Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dr Swapan Kumar Das has something to say of Nature's Highhandedness in handling Forum posts

Swapan Kumar Das said...

My comment was also posted on Nature for 4 days and then disappeared for some reason.
Now that the entire Ayyadurai Expose and V Patel commentary in nature Network has suddenly disappeared, it raises some interesting questions on the stand of Nature on this.

1) Is Nature India Editor hand-in glove with Shiva Ayyadurai and promoting this entire scam ? What is the incentive and what is the game-plan ?

2) Why is Nature India giving so much coverage and promotion, and selectively blacking out "real" facts from public. Is this what Nature India calls "professionalism" or "journalism" ?

3) What are the conditions in which an unsubstantiated and personal version of the story find its way to the Nature India website, and why are commentaries who tell the other side of the story summarily rejected ?

4)What is Nature Correspondent Jayaraman's stand on the Shiva Ayyadurai episode ? Now that Jayaraman has little words to write on anything significant in Indian Science, probably he should give way for somebody younger.

1 comment:

  1. Reply of the blog posted by “Insider”:

    Nature is an international journal of highest repute they can take any decision they want based on their company rules. I respect their decision.

    I do not write any thing without evidence in my procession. I asked questions to nature by email and replies were as follows:

    My email:

    Dear Sir,
    My comment (submitted on 13th November, 2009) on a news article ( was posted on 16th November 2009 but then on 20th November it was removed.
    I am not sure how it can be posted on webpage of Nature once for public after moderation and then it can be removed.
    Can I have a specific reason?
    Swapan Kumar DAS

    reply from nature office:
    Dear Professor Das, thanks for your note. A variety of comments have been deleted from this thread after other readers pointed out that they contained accusations about other individuals which contravened our terms and conditions of posting, including personal accusations.
    Mark Peplow, PhD
    News editor, Nature
    Nature, 4 Crinan St, London, UK
    N1 9XW

    reply from KS Jayraman:
    From: killugudi jayaraman Subject: RE: shiva-csir controversy
    To: "Swapan Kumar Das"
    Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 9:36 PM

    Dear Dr.Das,
    I also noticed it was removed by the moderator. It is entirely a decision by editors in London. I suppose you can always send another comment omitting anything objectionable in your first version. Regards, Jayaraman.
